Le Grandeur Hotel Balikpapan i Kalimantan Timur

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IndonesienLe Grandeur Hotel Balikpapan



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Jl. Jend Sudirman, Damai, Balikpapan Selatan, Damai, Balikpapan Kota, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76114, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 542 420155
internet side: legrandeurhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -1.2740975, Longitude: 116.8527508

kommentar 5

  • Mardianto Marpaung

    Mardianto Marpaung


    One of the best to relax and stay at Balikpapan city. The service is the best and just a walk distance to the white sand beach. Because Le Grandeur Hotel Balikpapan has the own beach. So, it is really recommended to stay at Le Grandeur Hotel Balikpapan. Surely will come again when visiting Balikpapan in the future.

  • en

    Viswanathan Menon


    Housekeeping Service is very poor and bedsheets must be checked before u take the room. My room had stained linen n it seemed like no big deal to the mgmt.

  • Mizyuliana Tand

    Mizyuliana Tand


    Nice hotel to stay... The located is strategic close to center of Balikpapan city. So easy to reached some transportation arrounds this hotel n close to airport too. Staff is friendly... Room is large and cleaning there. Breakfast is more variety to eating, delicious kind. Any facilities in that hotel likes swimming pool, area fitness, cafe and connect going to walking to the beach.... So far is good... Recommend to stay here

  • en

    Ayah Abay


    Big hotel located at beach... view is great.. good location on business / commercial area.. large parking space and nice design

  • Edwin Azmiramdhan Sulaiman

    Edwin Azmiramdhan Sulaiman


    They have an old building but great services. Great hospitality. You have your own beach. Good swimming pool. Great food. This hotel have a nice ballroom for an event. Really worth it for spending a night here. It is a great for weekend get away too. It is in the middle of Balikpapan city and easy to access.

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