KidZania i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Kav. 52-53, Jalan Jendral Sudirman, 12190, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 5154888
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Latitude: -6.2250734, Longitude: 106.8097129

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michael santoso


    Excelent place for kids and really great value for money. We paid using BCA card due to ongoing 46% off promotion. Paid only Rp420k for a family of 2 kids and 2 adults. There are some differences in term of "games" available but I think there are more "games" available in Indonesia Kidzania compared to the Singapore counterpart. The burger and pizza making "games" required cash payment instead of the kidzo (Rp46k for the burger and Rp110k for the pizza). The food & drink prices are at cut throat price (to be expected). If you dont have the kidzania passport, it cost Rp85k (promo price, actual price is Rp100k). Again its a steal. It cost $20+ in SG. We left the kids' passports in SG so we just signed up for new 1s. Unfortunately cannot combine the stamps from 2 different passports. We arrived around 10am and played till 5pm. The kids managed to play 16 "games". There are much shorter queues for the pilot simulator and we queued around 10 mins for most "games". We just went around and look for those without queue or finishing soon to minimize queue time. Most of the staffs are able to speak simple English so my kids were able to participate without much issue (my kids dont speak bahasa). Tip: Bring own water bottle to safe money. They dont allow outside food and drink but personal water bottle seems fine.

  • Andre Wahyu

    Andre Wahyu


    A place where a kid can explore their interests in many real world activities. To be a firemen, a dancer, or a racer is possible. Only two batches a day.

  • Woman withBrain

    Woman withBrain


    Nice place if there weren't too many groups. Better to come here on monday on weekends. Coz on weekdays, there are too many groups of children, and then the children cant enjoy the trip

  • en

    Nick Lefkaditis


    An amazing educational environment for kids. So much to experience from entry to exit. There is even a parents retreat with a cafeteria for the the bored parent.

  • Jusak Kumala

    Jusak Kumala


    Fun place many things to do. Kids like it very much. And they can learn about professions in real life

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