Jaya Ancol Bowling Center i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienJaya Ancol Bowling Center



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Jalan Lodan Timur, 14420, Kota Jakarta Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 64710894
internet side: www.ancolbowl.com
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Latitude: -6.128293, Longitude: 106.831956

kommentar 5

  • James Victorio

    James Victorio


    Good place to go bowling.. Cheap and affordable place to have fun with friends. Take note that the place is just located outside of the enterance of Ancol that has amusement parks

  • Steven L Santoso

    Steven L Santoso


    Provides 40 lanes (some says there's additional lanes on far right of the building, but I've yet to get confirmation) for playing, and they do say it's of international level. They do lots of championships. Though the building and several equipments are rather old already. Membership is available, although they didn't explain clearly on the advantages. There's also a cafe inside, but food choices are way too few and pricing is too high. Greatest demerit is that they allow smoking indoor.

  • Herdian Saputro

    Herdian Saputro


    Tempat asik.. good service.. old building

  • Juan Beruang

    Juan Beruang


    Retro bowling alley. Not so expensive. And they also have a billiard room.

  • Astried Yunita Hair

    Astried Yunita Hair


    Was just here. Too bad everybody's smoking inside. Horrible for children. Was hoping to have cool indoor getaway but so sorry only one star I can give until you guys get rid of those smokers which lots of nice families will come.

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