Il Nostro i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienIl Nostro



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Jalan Barito II, 12130, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesien
kontakter telefon: +62 21 7227837
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -6.2478434, Longitude: 106.7950638

kommentar 5

  • Keluarga SEDERHANA AnakMalam Parungkuda

    Keluarga SEDERHANA AnakMalam Parungkuda


  • Cardia Ivana

    Cardia Ivana


    Don’t even know where to start. I once had my wallet recolored here (in black). Not only they took so long (at first they promised me to get it done in 40 days, they even wrote the due date down on my bill), but when the due date came the wallet was still not done yet. Finally another week later, they informed me that I could go there and took the wallet. But when I came and inspected the work, oh my god, the finished work on my wallet was so, so, so baaad. Tremendeously bad. The zipper was still not done, the masking tape had yet to be removed, even the logo on the front flap was splattered with paint on the side. It’s just so bad. I asked them to fix it, and so I waited for another 2 weeks. The result? I still had to bring the wallet to another bag spa outlet. Truly, terribly disappointed with Ilnostro service.

  • id

    Samino Samino


  • Nur Sechach

    Nur Sechach


  • Didi suprapto

    Didi suprapto


    Laundry khusus untuk asesoris berbaham kulit seperti tas sepatu jaket, dll

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