Ibis Bandung Trans Studio Hotel i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienIbis Bandung Trans Studio Hotel


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Jalan Jendral Gatot Subroto No.289, Cibangkong, Batununggal, Cibangkong, Batununggal, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40273, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 22 87345555
internet side: www.accorhotels.com
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Latitude: -6.9274707, Longitude: 107.6364718

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jendro Wiyoso


    I love staying here, despite small bathroom in standard room. Hotels is great, good service and warm staffs, delicious foods with various menu. The grand ballroom is located outside the hotel's buildings, so you have to walk to reach it. When it rains, then you'll get yourself wet without umbrella. If you want to go shopping there's transmart mall and if you want to have some fun, go to trans studio Bandung beside the hotel, and there's also great mosque here.

  • en

    Samsul Hadiyatmoko


    Good hotel, very nice service. Just a few steps away to a big entertainment center in Bandung, and also one of the best shopping mall in Bandug.

  • Nafesa Ng

    Nafesa Ng


    Good location and shopping mall is just next door! The hotel view is great too!

  • Green Earth

    Green Earth


    This is one of high rise building around Gatot Subroto street. I think this is a good choice with affordable price. Nice and clean modern room hotel. Comfort bed and nice toilet. At that time I was on 21st floor, upper floor with huge view of the city. Nice and friendly staff, really friendly.

  • Gilang Bahar

    Gilang Bahar


    Amazing experience. The guy in behind check-in counter was so polite, nice, well-manner and friendly. Room was great, aircon is working properly and they even provide us the baby crib!! The food was delightful. Will surely come back! Well done!

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