Hotel Mega Permata i Sumatera Utara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienHotel Mega Permata


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178, Jalan Imam Bonjol, 22711, Kota Padang Sidempuan, Sumatera Utara, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 634 24699
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Latitude: 1.3724396, Longitude: 99.2769178

kommentar 5

  • en

    Patrick R


    Too expensive, I ordered 3x chicken noodles and 3x cola, paid 160000, noodles were bland

  • Elisheva



    I stayed in the Suite room which basically is just larger than the other rooms. Nothing particularly special there. It is clean because it's a new building. I found it a bit noisy because the rooms and windows faces the public indoor plaza. Voices are echoed from downstairs all the way to the upper floors. Great service, very professional. Internet works great. You are able to pay using cards.

  • Hendra Chen

    Hendra Chen


    Service is ok and roombis clean

  • wise win

    wise win


    Not professional staff including the receptionist. It is pricy compared to the other hotel, while the facilities are normal standard (like, the tv is low standard, the door knob rust, no bath tub, etc). Only the breakfast better than the other hotel. (for superior room)

  • Robert Arisonang

    Robert Arisonang


    The only one and best hotel in town of Sidempuan, for stay and spending yours times. Food its fine and price was reseonable.

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