Hotel Majapahit Surabaya managed by Accor Hotels i Jawa Timur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienHotel Majapahit Surabaya managed by Accor Hotels



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No. 65, Jalan Tunjungan, 60275, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 31 5454333
internet side:
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Latitude: -7.2596383, Longitude: 112.7401385

kommentar 5

  • Andrea Zoia

    Andrea Zoia


    High tea is still available in the lounge close to the lobby with a choice from the menu. You are able to walk in off the street and order as I did on the day. The staff are pleasant and attentive and the surroundings luxurious. I was able to walk around afterwards and take photos of the beautifully manicured gardens and architecture both inside and out. I also noticed a small designated area for smokers outside, which wasn't mentioned elsewhere. A step back in time, well worth the visit for the high tea.

  • Claudia Ribeiro

    Claudia Ribeiro


    The hotel was nice. They ruined the experience by stressing us into booking their expensive airport transfer because “they couldn’t find a taxi” and we would find intense traffic. As a result we arrived to the airport HOURS before our flight (instead of enjoying their high tea as we had originally planned). Do yourself a favour: don’t ask reception, just BOOK A GRAB TO THE AIRPORT AND PAY 1/4 OF THE PRICE.

  • Sam Tertzakian

    Sam Tertzakian


    Very clean hotel. Very good service. The hotel and rooms give the feeling of going back in time to about 1930 or so. The furniture and plumbing fixtures are of that style. But everything is in working order and clean. Of course they have good wifi and modern amenities like t.v. and gym...etc. Not only that I had some special issues regarding schedule and the hotel accommodated me perfectly allowing me to complete my tasks. I will always stay here when I come to Surabaya. Often hotels talk up their service... until they need to deliver. This hotel delivered for me.

  • en

    Elyani Sadjiarto


    A very well taken care historical hotel in Surabaya. With a beautiful terraces, rooms and facilities make this hotel a dearly loved hotel by foreigners. The Sarkies restaurant provides the best culinary experiences. All you can eat Dim sum at the weekend will really brighten up your day.

  • en

    Richard Wiseman


    Beautiful hotel, well kept and clean. Quality of service was excellent and very pleasant staff. Good sized pool and warm water. Room was very nice, bed comfortable and well cleaned and serviced. Absolutely nothing to complain about. I recommend this hotel highly.

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