Hermes Palace Hotel Medan i Sumatera Utara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienHermes Palace Hotel Medan



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22, Jalan Pemuda, 20151, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 61 4515777
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Latitude: 3.5819797, Longitude: 98.6817812

kommentar 5

  • Indro Tampan

    Indro Tampan


    excelent mid-town hotel. My room is good, staffs are nice, place is also easy to access and not so hard-traffic. Easy access to stores, and street food stalls. Roof-top resto is a good concept, but also became on daylight. Would consider back here on next business trip.

  • Jaime Leong

    Jaime Leong


    2 Star given solely because of the location. smack in between all famous street food we wanted to try. Rooms here should be more than 10 years old. Overdose on air freshener and fabric softener. My nose is a tad overwhelmed by all those fragrance smell. even my bed and pillow. New towel in room was not so clean. Phone in room does not work at all. Paid RM 140++ per night. But good location. doesnt even need to use grab to get around.

  • Henny Sim

    Henny Sim


    Absolutely unreasonable receptionist. Not worth price paid. 1st night and totally disappointed. Only 1 tissue roll. Additional blanket request was rejected. Fridge is broken. Totally over priced. No additional pillow available in cupboard, request and rejected. Only 1 keycard, 2nd keycard was given with "usually we only give 1 keycard" comment. Door doesn't lock properly. Receptionist need training on hospitality customer service.

  • en

    Ivan Budisantosa


    Key card doesn't work, dirty towels, not cool air con (though was set minimum temperature). Not one of my best experiences in hotels. But the staff were really friendly and helpful, and the breakfast on rooftop was great.

  • Phillmont Antonius

    Phillmont Antonius


    The good food cooked that day was enough to keep me and my friend happy. The only really surprising though is that the place have a quite unmaintained cleanliness and there were a lot of footprints on the floor. Although this problem didn't destroy the whole experience, but the experience could be enhanced altogether.

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