Grandkemang Jakarta i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienGrandkemang Jakarta



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Jalan Kemang Raya, 12730, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 7194121
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Latitude: -6.2552966, Longitude: 106.8108898

kommentar 5

  • Ishita Mathur

    Ishita Mathur


    Grandkemang is probably my preferred choice of hotel when staying in Jakarta. They've got an extremely helpful and polite staff that is available 24/7. Service: Quite prompt. I had called for an ironing board and hairdryer (which wasn't by default available on the room btw) and it was delivered to my room in less that 5 minutes. Laundry services are good - same day laundry is offered at no extra charge (beyond the base price). Gym and pool are available (haven't used them so cannot comment). Room: They have options for smoking and non-smoking rooms, for which the hotel has different wings. One advantage of the smoking rooms is that most of them are pool facing. Food: Breakfast is available as a buffet from 6am-10am. Options are fairly constant over the days but there's a decent variety. Quality of room service food is pretty great, though. Additionally, grandkemang offers spa sessions in the form of massage therapy where you can have a professional massage therapist come to your room for a 60-120 session. Super relaxing, definitely recommend!

  • Pera Utami

    Pera Utami


    Good place for a quick visit to Jakarta, suitable for foreigners. You can find many some international food choices, bars, cafes and even pubs (Hooters too!). The hotel itself is ok, usually used for meetings. But the normal hotel room is just ok, clean and silent. Perfect for rest after a thought day at work.

  • Anastasia Winanti

    Anastasia Winanti


    Great location. The room was quited old fashion and need some improvement in cleanliness. The breakfast was so good, and the best part of it is they serve pork bacon in non halal section. For billiard lovers, pool table is available in the cafe near receptionist and it's free of charge, no time limit, if you order some drinks

  • Michael Lucas

    Michael Lucas


    Excellent choice in Kemang. Staff are always friendly and willing to assist. Clean and functional room. Location is within walking distance of shopping malls, restaurants, bars and clubs. Recommended, would stay again.

  • Deassy Rizky Syahputri

    Deassy Rizky Syahputri


    Came here with my colleagues for meeting and lunch. Meeting room is quite nice and they provide snacks and coffee breaks. For lunch is superb. The buffet is well arranged. The meals are good. Love the smoke fish. They have various assorted desserts tray that are cute to look at.

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