Grand Nanggroe Hotel i Aceh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienGrand Nanggroe Hotel


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Jl. T Imuem Lueng Bata, Cot Mesjid, Lueng Bata, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23123, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 651 35779
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Latitude: 5.5371802, Longitude: 95.3411828

kommentar 5

  • Imam Mubarrak

    Imam Mubarrak


    Nice place to stay and meeting

  • Andri NK

    Andri NK


    Nice..its so syariah.. no bar or pub.. good

  • Suhra Ilyas

    Suhra Ilyas


    The service they provide is just average. Not so bad lah. I think they need to rearrange the lobby area. The corridor is not well lit, therefore it look like a motel with illicit service. They also need to respect more of Islamic Value, as the faith of majority of Aceh people.

  • Aries Saputra

    Aries Saputra


    Very nice hotel and also a cozy hotel. Great speed foe wifi connection. But unfortunately the swimming pool is too small.

  • Titi Anggraini

    Titi Anggraini


    Four stars hotel in Banda Aceh. Relatively far from the center of the city (eg Baiturrahman Grand Mosque and Simpang Surabaya). The food is standart. You must make sure you get the non smoking room if you're not a smoker. Mostly the room smells of cigarette.

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