Gembrong market Cipinang i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienGembrong market Cipinang


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Jalan Jendral Basuki Rachmat, 13320, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 857-7597-2757
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Latitude: -6.2262784, Longitude: 106.8810402

kommentar 5

  • Agung Wahyudi

    Agung Wahyudi


    I bought toys for my Son, quite cheap after searching in few store and bargain of course, but also the quality came with the price.

  • Uso Sidik

    Uso Sidik


    Famous marketplace in eastern Jakarta to find any types of toys with affordable price.

  • Rheean 81

    Rheean 81


    Traditional market for toys...very cheap..we can bargain..bargain is the key...

  • Shinte Galeshka

    Shinte Galeshka


    Toys and carpet. I wonder how much longer it'll last with the nearby apartment & mall. The current trend of gentrification, and the government developmentalist program seems to cast a doom spell toward such traditional market instead of rejuvenate them.

  • Harry Renren

    Harry Renren


    right place to make your kids happy. so many cheap toys lah. you can bargain the price with so many seller.

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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