Francis Artisan Bakery Central Park i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienFrancis Artisan Bakery Central Park



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West Jakarta, Kebon Jeruk, RT.12/RW.6, Tj. Duren Sel., Grogol petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: -6.1782389, Longitude: 106.7907515

kommentar 4

  • anto ang

    anto ang


    Toko roti paling payah se-Indonesia, toko roti segmen menengah ke bawah, jadi minta potong roti, harus bayar dulu, sambil antri minta potong juga gak boleh.

  • Timotius Aswin Wijaya

    Timotius Aswin Wijaya


    Salah satu bakery favorit. Harga nggak bisa dibilang murah. Tapi, disini ada beberapa roti yang disediakan tester. Jadi kalian bisa beli yang sudah pasti enak menurut selera kalian. Karena itu beli roti di sini worth it banget. Gak suka ya tinggal keluar gak jadi beli. Menu favorit saya: choco orange dan choco bun. Untuk choco bun kalo terlalu malam pasti sudah habis stoknya. Follow my IG: @mottzhy

  • Raphael Donny

    Raphael Donny


    My favorite bread store... affordable price with most wanted choco bun 😋👍

  • Febri Fristian

    Febri Fristian


    You can find this Francis Artisan Bakery store side by side with korean restaurant, Chung Gi Wa. This bakery store has a lot of bread variation from the sweet taste to the savory taste. The price in this store is not too expensive, from 15K IDR to 55K IDR, depends on the bread. You can try almost all of their bread first before buy it because they give a bowl of tester. So before you choose to buy it, better to try it first. But their product really fresh from the oven and taste good. They have a lot of taste and some unique tastes like flax seed, taro, edamame spinach, turkey meat, squid ink, cranberry, and they also have daily unique and limited bread. They have a bag of dark chocolate bread with five breads inside, you need to try this one because the chocolate taste is really good and melted in your mouth, and that is only 20K IDR. If you like the savory taste, you can try their turkey bread because it is quite unique and it is only around 50K IDR. They also sell some various loaf bread, wheat bread, long bread, and pastry that around 30K until 40K IDR.

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