favehotel Solo Baru i Jawa Tengah

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Indonesienfavehotel Solo Baru



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Jalan Ir. Soekarno, Solo Baru, Dusun I, Madegondo, Grogol, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah 57552, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 271 6727555
internet side: www.favehotels.com
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Latitude: -7.5994712, Longitude: 110.8141203

kommentar 5

  • Mariana Wijayanti

    Mariana Wijayanti


    Great budget hotel. It's located right opposite 2 big shopping malls. Lots of food places around.

  • en

    Elsa Cha


    Low price hotel in d middle of 2 malls. I was here with my 2 friends. We asked for extra bed but they said its down bed. I thought its just d same term. When we got in, I was so surprise that they put "down" the mattras of 2nd bed n left divan n touch me latex on it. But, d 2 blankets placed on d latex. We can't stop laugh that night when we finally found out that its actually just 2 single beds.

  • Dian Prabowo

    Dian Prabowo


    Budget hotels that are present in the southern city of Solo, offering a modern rooms and flexible access  in the middle of a shopping center, office center and tourist area and historic buildings in the city of Solo. Built in the middle of 2012, we offer a fresh and unpretentious service. With totally 153 rooms,  it is suitable as a choice stay travelers and businessmen. The Park Mall just only 3 minutes by car, Hartono Mall just only 5 minutes by car, Kemuning Green Tea Park just only 1 hour by car, Danar Hadi Batik just only 15 minutes by car, Pandawa Water World just only 7 minutes by car, Keraton Kasunanan just only 15 minutes by car, Grojogan Sewu Waterfall just only 1 hour by car. Lime Restaurant located on 1st floor of the hotel, Open at 05.00 AM - 11.00 PM, special Indonesian, Asian and Western Food with affordable price.With good, cozy atmosphere, we sure you will feel right at home   Located on 1st Floor Indonesian, Asian, Western Food 05.00 AM - 11.00 PM Up to 100 person Grilled Oxtail, Iga Bakar, Bebek Goreng, Chocolate lava, etc.

  • Tendy Sentosa

    Tendy Sentosa


    I have stayed here several times and i can say it is probably the best hotel here for business travellers. Strategically located, clean room, reliable wifi and delicious buffet breakfast also. Overall it is a bang for for the buck...

  • Anastasia Yohana

    Anastasia Yohana


    This hotel is in a strategic place so not hard to be found. It is surrounded by some restaurants and even a mall. You can reach those places by foot if you want but you must be careful while crossing the street. The room service and wifi are good. My room was good and clean. The real condition is not different from the information on the website.

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