D'Anaya Hotel Bogor i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienD'Anaya Hotel Bogor


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Jalan Pakuan No.7, Baranangsiang, Bogor Timur, Baranangsiang, Bogor Tim., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16143, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 251 8390120
internet side: www.danayahotels.com
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Latitude: -6.6061757, Longitude: 106.811191

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eko Kusworo


    A best value for money 3 stars hotel in Bogor city. The staffs so helpful and friendly. The breakfast also have many choices. The room was nice and homy. The only one thing was only the parking lot which have limited space.

  • en

    Will Brielien


    Cozy hotel.. Nice pool and nice view

  • Iqbal R

    Iqbal R


    Good enough for a 3-star hotel in Bogor. Swimming pool was clean at that time and not tgat small. The room was clean as well and enough space for 2 people with balcony and poolside view. The breakfast? Just average and not plenty of choices.

  • tantri sangkanparan

    tantri sangkanparan


    New hotel located in the city of bogor, west of java. Room quite big and have a nice swimming pool. Small but nice. Breakfast also very good. There were a lot of closed restaurant, one of the famous one is the milk restaurant. Street food also available in front of the hotel along the road. You can find african lamb food which is very nice

  • Nida ul hasanah

    Nida ul hasanah


    Im here for meeting. Quite cheap. 500k /person include meeting room, lunch, dinner, snack 2x, bedroom. Foods are great, but for snacks arent. Bedroom is good. Meeting room just available until 8 pm.

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