Cirebon i Jawa Barat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Kebonbaru, Kejaksan, Kebonbaru, Kejaksan, Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45122, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: -6.7053862, Longitude: 108.5554442

kommentar 5

  • Reza Setyawan

    Reza Setyawan


    One of the best heritage of Java. Now has taken up to next level of service. Clean, tidy and a good shape. Incredible upgrade by KAI.

  • Vincentius Valdi

    Vincentius Valdi


    For me, Kejaksan Station is one of the best looking railway station in Java. The station was built by Dutch Colonial, and has been undergone through several renovations here and there. What we got now is a clean and modern yet vintage station, and a lot of facilites are provided for passenger comfort. There are ATM Centers, Mosque, Convenience Store, Dunkin Donuts, some cafe & restaurants inside, and recently they added a nice Executive Waiting Lounge. That means you no longer have to wait in the hot and humid platform, instead you got a nice air-conditioned waiting room where you can charge your phone while waiting for your train to depart :)

  • Indera Gunawan

    Indera Gunawan


    This train station was built by Dutch Colonial long time ago. As a historical building, it is very deserve to be put on your visit list. It provides non smoking and comfortable waiting room, minimarkets and some cafe. Ticket purchasing is very easy with automatic machine and standby staf. The boarding is also simple by very kind and friendly person.

  • Fahry Abdul Fanny

    Fahry Abdul Fanny


    A nice dutch colonial heritage. Yet the facilities are modern and all in good quality. A very big train station serves greater area of java island

  • en

    finah soeg


    A lovely train station in Indonesia ever. The minus part is just they play the music, since i dont hear to the music. Its harmful for us as human, I hope someday they will stop or change it with another kind of sound. It is obvious that in the station there are some tourists, so please serve them with Cirebon souvenirs and map of tourism around Cirebon. Be a decent host please..

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