Bogor Bowling Center i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienBogor Bowling Center



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The Jungle Mall Lantai 2, Perumahan Bogor Nirwana Residence, Jalan Bogor Nirwana Raya, Mulyaharja, Bogor Sel., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16135, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 251 8200665
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Latitude: -6.6337202, Longitude: 106.7939497

kommentar 5

  • Bagus Harits Arga Putra

    Bagus Harits Arga Putra


    I think it's the only public bowling place in Bogor. The place was great. They also have Billiard tables here.

  • Agnes



    the one & only bowling place in bogor

  • Julian Satrio

    Julian Satrio


    Clean place, not so crowded, not so expensive, the shoes and the equipment like shoes condition’s not so good but the others are great

  • Aditya Pratama

    Aditya Pratama


    Not that crowded and quite clean, just dont forget to bring socks since the rented shoes here are not that clean and dirty. The place itself is quite neat and cozy, its a good place to have a serious game of bowling but the billiard table is not in a good condition but still playable although you might miss some shots due to the tables outdated cloth covers. Overall a nice place to hang out with friends since it is a cozy place. Its location is a bit covered so be sure to ask.

  • Ncie Emel

    Ncie Emel


    Good bowling and billiard center. Cozy place. Nice!!!

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