Bandung Zoo i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienBandung Zoo



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Jalan Kebun Binatang No.6, Lebak Siliwangi, Coblong, Lb. Siliwangi, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 22 2502770
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Latitude: -6.8902867, Longitude: 107.6068401

kommentar 5

  • iwan abdurahman

    iwan abdurahman


    Asal Usul Nama Kebun Binatang Bandung ini ternyata sangat unik, dimana pada mulanya dikenal tempat ini bernama Derenten, Kata Derenten, jika dalam Bahasa sunda disebut dierentuin, ternyata memiliki arti sama dengan kebun binatang. berdasarkan catatan sejarah, Kebun Binatang Bandung ini pertama kali didirikan di tahun 1930 oleh lembaga Bandung Zoological Park (BZP) Beberapa tahun kemudian, tepatnya tahun 1956, Bandung Zoological Park dibubarkan dan dirubah menjadi yayasan marga satwa Tamansari atas inisiatif Raden Ema Bratakusumah. setiap pengunjung yang akan memasuki kawasan tempat wisata kebun bintang bandung akan dikenakan biaya masuk terbaru Rp.40.000/orang. Di tahun 2018 ----------------------&& The Origin of the Name of Bandung Zoo is very unique, which was originally known as Derenten, The word Derenten, if in Sundanese is called dierentuin, it has the same meaning as the zoo. based on historical records, Bandung Zoo was first established in 1930 by the institution of Bandung Zoological Park (BZP) Several years later, precisely in 1956, Bandung Zoological Park was dissolved and changed into a wildlife foundation of Tamansari on Raden Ema Bratakusumah initiative. every visitor who will enter the area of ​​the tourist zoo bandung will be charged the latest entry fee Rp.40.000 / person. In 2018

  • katie Smith

    katie Smith


    Animal cruelty is never okay. I don’t find Exploitation of animals to be an enjoyable occasion. Just shut it down! Send the animals to sanctuaries. Be compassionate. Be a decent human being and do NOT support places like this. Don’t buy a ticket to see if things have improved it’s been over a year footage was leaked of the cruelty and if you look at recent photos and reviews still NOTHING has changed at least not enough. Animals deserve better. I’d be so ashamed to be a part of a zoo like this. If I wanted to come back from this I’d send the animals to sanctuaries. Create a go fund me page to give money to sanctuaries and make it my life mission to attempt to make up for all the cruelty that’s been done there. Also notice all the 5 star reviews are Indonesian.... I think it’s suspicious because I feel this business would pay or create accounts to give good reviews. I don’t see how anyone with common sense and kindness would give 5 or even 2 stars....I’d give none if I could. Indonesian people are beautiful, I don’t think the good people of Indonesia would recccomend this zoo.

  • Oscar Marino

    Oscar Marino


    Slightly better than my last visit. They renovated the ticket booth, some cages and the bears are no longer skinny. However it is still far from good. Facilities are still remain old and not well managed, even there is no proper and clean public toilet. This place surely need a massive effort to renovate and revitalise to its glory. The ticket price has gone up for double price, making it not so affordable to the low class but with this kind of facility, I doubt upper class would come as well. The good side is the place is now cleaner as I saw they have so many cleaning staffs are working Should you want to feed the deers or elephant, get your carrot from the hawker at the parking lot. Bring your mosquito repellent cream or wear long sleeve and long pants is strongly recommended.

  • Abha Sharma

    Abha Sharma


    This is horrid place and does not deserve to be called a "zoo." Animals are in awful conditions, starving and so unhealthy, and are expected to live their lives like this. All people who care and support creatures on our planet need to call for the immediate release and relocation of these creatures to safe preserves where they may live out their lives in an environment conducive to their well-being. This Indonesian zoo in Bandung is a total disgrace and the people who run it and their government ought to be punished accordingly. Can you IMAGINE emaciated bears begging for food from people who go to this zoo? STOP going to this zoo. The circumstances are torturous for the zoo's inhabitants. The filth and squalor the animals are forced to survive in also forces them to wait for death to give them any relief. Beyond disgusting, this is abhorrent, reprehensible, inexcusable, indefensible and totally unjustifiable to treat these living creatures in such a cruel manner. This zoo must be closed.

  • en

    Emily J


    This is a horrid place and does not deserve to be called a "zoo." Animals are in awful conditions, starving and so unhealthy, and are expected to live their lives like this. All people who care and support creatures on our planet need to call for the immediate release and relocation of these creatures to safe preserves where they may live out their lives in an environment conducive to their well-being. This Indonesian zoo in Bandung is a total disgrace and the people who run it and their government ought to be punished accordingly. Can you IMAGINE emaciated bears begging for food from people who go to this zoo? STOP going to this zoo. The circumstances are torturous for the zoo's inhabitants. The filth and squalor the animals are forced to survive in also forces them to wait for death to give them any relief. Beyond disgusting, this is abhorrent, reprehensible, inexcusable, indefensible and totally unjustifiable to treat these living creatures in such a cruel manner. This zoo must be closed.

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