Aston Kupang Hotel & Convention Center i Nusa Tenggara Timur

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IndonesienAston Kupang Hotel & Convention Center



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No.142, Jalan Timor Raya, 85227, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 380 8586333
internet side:
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Latitude: -10.1454862, Longitude: 123.6161222

kommentar 5

  • en

    Payaman Simanjuntak


    The location is good, the service is good. I particularly enjoyed breakfast and sunset.

  • en

    Dewi Sekarsari


    Beside a nice room, Aston Kupang provide a very good breakfast! Especially for local food and also pastry. The staff very friendly and helpful

  • Paul Gumulia

    Paul Gumulia


    It was my first time visit Kupang. Lucky me since I chosed Aston hotel for my accomodation. The room was clean the bed was comfortable and the shower awesome. Specially the rain shower. I chose the ocean view room. It was amazing view.

  • Jeanny Kwee

    Jeanny Kwee


    One of the best hotel in Kupang for the moment. Have stayed here for several times however I've just recently realised that they also offer free airport shuttle on a scheduled pick up/drop off basis. Convenient if it matches your arrival/departure time as taxi can be quite costly (around idr 70,000 using airport taxi) Room was cozy, wifi was okay, nice selections of tv channel, and if you book directly with their website they'd try to give you a room with a nice view (facing the beach / night fish market) across the hotel street. Breakfast was fine, with variety of choices such as fresh fruit & salad, bread & cereals, traditional Kupang, indonesia, western selections, etc.

  • Tin Tin Dinh

    Tin Tin Dinh


    Second time visiting this place. Sink in the bathroom has spillage problem. Toilet didn’t fill with water after first flush. Second day was fixed. Chinese hotel provided old dessert little bit sour. For a name brand this place needs better management.

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