Aston Imperial Bekasi Hotel & Conference Center i Jawa Barat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienAston Imperial Bekasi Hotel & Conference Center


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Jl. KH. Noer Ali No.177, Kayuringin Jaya, Bekasi Barat, Kayuringin Jaya, Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17124, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 88968080
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Latitude: -6.2463596, Longitude: 106.9920654

kommentar 5

  • Arya Putra

    Arya Putra


    Great location The view is not too bad The breakfast is nice, has a lot of options My only issue is it can be a bit noisy when there is an event on the top floor.

  • James Ridwan

    James Ridwan


    Nice hotel. Located one complex with Bekasi Cyberpark shopping mall, which has many food stall, supermarket and also the mobile phone shops. The hotel room itself is quite big, as standard as 4-star hotel. The amenities is also complete, the bathroom is clean. The hotel also has swimming pool at the rooftop. Recommended to stay here.

  • Aulia Mufti

    Aulia Mufti


    From good hotels became bad. Worst wifi connection, discomfort pillow and bedding. Need to renew their reputation 3 years before.

  • en

    Sutaryo Tri Wardhana


    Overall the comfortable during stay has came to me my family. The Room was very clean, the staff's was very warm, friendly and helpfully. The location was very strategic near from the mall or shopping center and easy to get there from the exit toll gate. Recommended hotel to stay in Bekasi City. Thank you to Aston Imperial Bekasi Team.

  • en



    GOOD LOCATION, CLOSED FROM SHOPPING CENTRE AND RESTAURANT,. Thanks for Angela - FO Reception, for her hospitality, always ready to help me and good attitude. 2 times I stay here I am disturbed with housekeeping staff who in a day can be twice was bothered to be questioned check out today or whether to clean room with different people. I wonder whether they no coordination or do not read guest information?

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