Aryaduta Hotel i Sulawesi Utara

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IndonesienAryaduta Hotel



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Jalan Piere Tendean (Boulevard) No.22, Wenang Utara, Wenang, Wenang Utara, Wenang, Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara 95111, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 431 855555
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Latitude: 1.487635, Longitude: 124.837271

kommentar 5

  • Rendy Kamil

    Rendy Kamil


    Nice place to stay for short or long time in manado.. it also has nice swimming pool, because we can see bunaken and manado tua island

  • Surya LS

    Surya LS


    Nice place to rest with ur friends and team, the tasty of food goods, the room also quite but there is no helper help u to ur room to pick up ur stuff

  • Marshel Dehoop

    Marshel Dehoop


    It's a great place, many people and organizations choose the hotel for various events, I was there for work, stayed for 9 days. Overall is good but, sometimes the water aren't so clean and when the hotel host to many people, it's hard to move between floors, you'll need to wait awhile. The food is decent, never have many experience in staying at hotel for a long period of time, but it's good overall.

  • en

    Cita Adati


    Old hotel whose amenities are also old and not repaired. Sink faucet leaking causing flooding. With pretty expensive hotel rates, with 5 stars, TV are too outdated and small. Check in process is very long and not friendly.

  • Rivaldy Anggada

    Rivaldy Anggada


    It's one of the oldest hotel in the area. Stayed here for 2 days, on day 2 the cleaning service didnt change my shower gel, towel and my toothpaste, which is not a big deal for me. Then i requested for one by phone, and they didn't send it to me. Their language is also not professional by manner. Had trouble with my hot water, but eventually i can get it done. The air ventilation in the toilet is broken. Tissue is only provided in the toilet. Small TV and the AC is not going so well. I also buy Deluxe Ocean View Room, and i got city view. Unsatisfied. Bettter go to peninsula.

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