Ade Irma Suryani Nasution Traffic Park i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienAde Irma Suryani Nasution Traffic Park



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Jalan Belitung No.1, Merdeka, Sumur Bandung, Merdeka, Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40113, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 22 4201667
internet side:
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Latitude: -6.91112, Longitude: 107.6131734

kommentar 5

  • Ridha Akbar

    Ridha Akbar


    Lumayan buat yang suka foto selfie.. As myself didn't enjoy.. Too crowded

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    anggi yukaesa


    Facility : mushola, toilet, swimming pool, play ground, train, bicycle track (also rent a bike), tree house and many instagram-able spot.

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    Muliawan Johor


    The new management had made vast improvements for this place. The park is well maintained. There are new buildings and attractions. However, they keep affordable price tickets so that all people are welcomed here. It is still the best traffic theme park in this country.

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    nurhayati barends


    The place that we can bring family together enjoy the nature without inhale the smell of smoke, no garbage lay around everywhere I like the water fountain when we feel thirsty We can ride around Bandung enjoy the scene plus the story about Bandung from the guide The one need to be concern is the bathroom How come we need to leave our shoes or sandals outside and went to dirty bathroom floor with our barefoot? Over all its really nice and enjoyable visit here Taman Balai Kota Bandung

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    Wina Winiarti


    A great place to bring you kids. Spacious and affordable, good for toddlers as they can run freely here😛 but the mushalla is too small and if they can add more seating it will be great. Other than that, very good.

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